About me

Dr Aarti Trakroo completed her BDS followed by MDS (OMDR) and JR’ship (Dept.Endodontics) Government Dental College ,Jammu(J&K)

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A career professional with 12 years of experience from Clove Dental, Government Dental College and Vivekananda Mission Hospital, Jammu.

Dr Trakroo holds a Diploma in Laser Dentistry from SOLA (International Society of Oral Laser Application) under the guidance of Prof. Andreas Moritz, University Clinic of Dentistry, Vienna.

She is a Life Member of the Indian Association of Oral Medicine and Radiology and is additionally certified in CBCT (Cone Beam CT- in dentistry) from Bapuji Dental College, Davengere, Karnataka.

She has authored articles in leading international and national journals.

Dr Aarti Trakroo specialises in:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of red and white lesions.
  • Diagnosis of Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD)
  • She has successfully completed treatments for multiple OSMF(oral submucosis/difficulty in mouth opening) cases in Punjab, Jammu and Delhi NCR regions.
  • Low Level Laser Therapy for the management of TMDs, lesions, BMS (burning mouth syndromes) etc.
  • PBM and PDM of Lasers.
  • She holds a great expertise in radiological examination, interpretation and implant planning with OPGs, Lateral Cephalograms and CBCT.
  • Surgical treatment of tongue ties, vestibulopathy, gingivectomy etc.
  • Smile designing-Gingival depigmentation, Gingival contouring, Teeth whitening procedures.